Ralph Hoyte
- Bristol, England
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Ralph Hoyte is a Bristol-based located audio designer, poet and writer. Over the last 16 years he has developed a ‘walking art’ practice in which he creates site-specific interactive soundworlds which you walk WITHIN – a totally new concept! – either solo or with his 3-man artists’ collective, Satsymph. These parallel soundworlds re-imagine historical events, create literary trails and/or fuse poetry or prose and music. His works of soundart are downloaded as an app to participants’ personal smartphones and, when opened on location, respond to participants’ movements within the designated real-world environments to deliver a truly interactive audio experience.
As a poet, Hoyte writes exclusively for the voice (his, or for multi-voices). Works include his completion of ST Coleridge’s Gothic ballad, Christabel, premiered at a 3hr performance at Halsway Manor in the Quantocks over a long weekend and Hana no Kage/Shadow of a Flower, a zen-poetic book and performance of his Arts Council-supported trip to Japan to follow in the footsteps of the 17th century haiku master, Matsuo Basho, using Basho’s revered work, Oku no Hosomichi (The Narrow Road to the Deep North) as a guide to his wanderings
Hoyte is a Visiting Fellow at the University of the West of England (Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries and Education) and is currently working with the Regional History Centre (as Satsymph) to create a geo-located trail following the 1831 reform riots in the West. Other current projects include Colston’s Last Journey – a work of soundart uncovering hidden histories of Bristol and the Transatlantic Trafficking of Enslaved Africans; and co-creating The Quantock Poetry Trail for the Quantock Landscape Partnership Scheme.